I went downtown yesterday to eat something and drink some alcoholic drinks in a tavern. I went on to drop in a Karaoke bar in the same area to sing several songs. All the customers and I took turns singing one by one. It was in the middle of “Saturday Night Fever” that the following photograph was taken:
May I make a unique comment today? That is about English. I have been interested in foreign languages, especially in English, since I was a student. This promoted me to go on to work where my English was required in the latter part of my business career. I often engaged myself in English-writing works, and sometimes played a role of translator. With such experiences, I have learned that Japanese and English are quite different linguistically and expression-wise like unmixed water and oil. Let me further comment in detail:
1. 日本語は結論が最後に、英語は最初に来る。Conclusion comes at the beginning in English and at the end in Japanese.
2. 日本語は説明文が説明される語句の前に、英語は後ろに来る。A word is modified by a modifying sentence—before the word in Japanese, and after the word in English.
3. 日本語は曖昧な点が多く、論理展開も完全でないのに対し、英語は曖昧さが少なく、論理展開もしっかりしている。While Japanese is ambiguous in many cases, English is exact in many ways. English is proceeded in logical sequence, but Japanese often skips something to be described.
4. 大雑把に言えば、日本語は感情を表さない言語、英語は感情豊かな言語となる。Roughly speaking, Japanese is an emotionless language, while English is rich in emotion.
5. 日本語はnegativeな思考に基づくことが多いのに対し、英語はpositiveな思考に基づくことが多い。In general, English is positive-oriented, while Japanese negative-oriented.
1. の文例:昨日午後5時頃A交差点で一台の乗用車が交通事故を起こした。Example sentence for 1.: A car caused a traffic accident at A Intersection yesterday around 5:00 PM.
2.の文例:あなたの後ろに立っている人は誰ですか? Example sentence for 2.: Who is the person standing behind you?
3.の文例:現在取扱っている原料が4つなので、原料を物理的に分けるシステムを構築する必要はない。Example sentence for 3.: We don’t need to establish a system to physically separate materials, because we handle as few as 4 materials at this moment, thereby making it unnecessary to separate.
4.の文例:私の同僚をご紹介いたします。Example sentence for 4.: Let me have the pleasure of introducing my colleagues to you?
5.の文例:飛行機での長旅でお疲れのところ申し訳ありませんが・・・Example sentence for 5.: I hope you had a comfortable and enjoyable flight…
At the start of your determination to try to master any foreign language, I propose bearing in mind all the time the differences between Japanese and the language in question. I hope my comments today serve as something to give you new insight into English.
I will be back with something different, not an academic topic like this.
With best regards,