どちらのホウレン草を先に食べたらいいの? Wondering which spinach to eat first?







2.同じ種類の野菜を買った場合、どちらを先に食べるべきかがわかる。→ 私は、どっちを先に買ったのかごっちゃになってしまったことがよくあるのよ。


「野菜購入日カード」は便利なので、My Recommendation to Youよ。アッキーからの久々の便利シリーズのご紹介でした。ではまたね!アッキー♡♡

Briefed translation of my Japanese comment: 

Since most vegetables don’t have expiration dates, I often get puzzled, in several days later after the purchase, “When did I get the vegetable in question?” 

A good idea occuerred to me.  That is to make and use “Vegetable-purchase-date cards.”  Ten different-number cards solve the aforementioned problem.  They are one-number card, two-number card, three-number card……and ten-number card:  one-number card means the dates of the 1st, 11th and 21st, two-number card 2nd, 12th and 22nd, and this rule goes on till ten-number card.

There are two benefits in “Vegetable-purchase-date card”:

  1. Easy to know how many days ago I got the vegetable in question, and then I decide when to eat it.
  2. In case of the same kind of vegetable, it is easy to decide which to eat first.

Let me take spinach for the example of “2.”  As shown in the photo above, two different number cards tell me that I should eat the spinach with the six-number card attached first, because I got it on the 26th of November, while I got the other one today the second of December.

If you are interested in my idea, why don’t you use the same in your life?

Thank you for your attention.  Bye for now!  Akkie♡♡