料理の具材の量は? How much of ingredients to be used for cooking?


こんにちは! 3日間ご無沙汰のアッキーです!


Hello again!  This is Akkie, coming in front of you after 3 days silence! 

We are now halfway through September, and going into full-fledged autumn.  We know the old saying of “Shokuyoku-no-aki, meaning fall is the best season for eating.”  In my

case, “Shokuyoku-no-Akkie,” meaning Akkie fully enjoys eating. (Laughter)





I usually wear skirts.  So, you would certainly find it hard to come across Akkie in slacks like this in my photo collection! (Laughter)



I cook by myself from time to time, following recipes available in the Internet.  What troubles me is that I am unable to know exactly how much of ingredients, including vegetables, to be used.  Taking curry recipe for example, some recipes say “2 onions, 1 carrot and 5 potatoes.”  While they don’t say the size of each vegetable, I wonder if I should simply follow them, putting into the pan any size of such vegetables.  Each of the three vegetables above varies in size, sometimes more than three times between the biggest and the smallest ones, as you see!   



I wish every recipe describes amounts of ingredients in grams so that all of us can get exactly how much of them to use!  In the above case, “Curry for four:  300 grams of onion, 200 grams of carrot and 400 grams of potato.”  I am pretty sure this method (numerical notation) does help quite a lot for beginners of cooking!



Thanks for reading my comments made by a struggling cook Akkie.